“It means a great deal to those who are oppressed to know that they are not alone. Never let anyone tell you that what you are doing is insignificant.”
Desmond Tutu

Mary Burton – Patron
Mary Burton has served as the Chairperson of Black Sash, and also as deputy chairperson of the Council of the University of Cape Town. She was a Commissioner on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. She was co-founder of the Home to All campaign which was a plea to all white South Africans to acknowledge the ways in which they were benefited by the policies of apartheid in an attempt to help reconcile South African society. She has been involved in various capacities with the Black Sash since 1965.

Nolundi Luwaya – Chairperson
Nolundi Luwaya is the Director of the Land and Accountability Research Centre (LARC). As Director, her role is to provide leadership and strategic direction to the Centre. Together with the LARC team, she stewards relationships with partner organisations and funders. Since joining LARC (at that stage RWAR at CLS) as a researcher in 2012, she has played a central role in coordinating and assisting with the Traditional Courts Bill (TCB) campaign and the Restitution Amendment Bill campaign working closely with the Alliance for Rural Democracy. Nolundi has taught extensively on customary land rights, including teaching African Customary Law at UCT. Nolundi’s research interests iinclude rural women’s land rights under customary law and methods for understanding and protecting these rights that are informed by the experiences of rural women. She is also interested in questions of legal pluralism and the challenges involved in teaching law in a plural system such as we have in South Africa.
Nolundi has a BA LLB and LLM from the University of Cape Town.

Tintswalo Mofokeng
She is a seasoned finance and sustainability executive with have a strong business acumen having worked alongside chief executives, directors and top executives in strategic decision making, growing organisations and organisational management.
She has experience at a senior management level obtained at an internationally recognized organization and a top-tier public accounting/consulting firm, the Auditor General of South Africa (AG) and Deloitte, respectively. I have also worked in senior and executive management level in public entities having interactions with various governance structures including the Board, Board Committees and Audit and Risk Committees. Having partnered with UNCTAD as the focal point Currently working on a project focused on sustainable goals reporting in the country by Private Companies and how Government can monitor progress made in terms of the AGENDA 2030.
She is currently the CFO for Legal Aid South Africa. She is a board member of Board Member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) and a member of the audit and risk committee for the Motor Industry Retirement Funds.

Thembisile Sehloho
Thembisile Sehloho, originally born in Soweto, spent the majority of her childhood in Randpark Ridge. She pursued her education at what is now known as The University of Johannesburg, graduating from Rau. Currently, Thembi holds the position of Marketing Director for the rice and pasta division at Tiger Brands.
With a wealth of experience gained in the FMCG sector, Thembi has honed her skills in managing prominent brands. These brands span various categories, affording her a deep understanding of concepts like strategic marketing, portfolio strategy, strategic acquisitions, and capital expansion projects. Her dedication to brand management is evident through her 15+ years of experience in the field, including 9 years at a senior level.
Thembi’s fascination with brands and their dynamics in diverse markets led her to work for several FMCG companies, including Unilever and AVI. These experiences provided her with invaluable insights into marketing and communication strategies.
Currently, Thembi is pursuing her Masters in leadership and innovation at the University of Edinburgh. Beyond her professional endeavours, she actively participates in community projects and enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with her family.

Mieke Krynauw
Mieke Krynauw is a lawyer working in the public sector. Mieke has an interest in commercial mediation, dispute settlement and the effective use of strategic litigation. She is a CEDR UK accredited mediator. Mieke has previously lectured jurisprudence at Wits Law School and has experience in constitutional law, having clerked for the late Justice Skweyiya during his tenure on the bench at the South African Constitutional Court. She obtained her undergraduate degree in philosophy, politics and economics as well as her LLB at the University of Cape Town and her LLM at NYU. Her involvement with the Black Sash started as a toddler getting under everyone’s feet at Sash meetings attended by her mother, Paula Krynauw.

Janeen de Klerk

Anastasia Peters
Anastasia Peters is a trained social worker who has extensive experience in both the corporate and non-profit sector in SA. Her experience in the Corporate Citizenship team at Absa over an 18-year period saw her work at a provincial, national and an Africa-wide level. Anastasia Peters has a keen interest in and understanding of the disability sector, particularly the employment of people with disabilities. She has a postgraduate diploma in disability studies. She currently works in the employee wellness sector and runs a successful private practice.

Maleshini Naidoo